
  • Excursions Journal

    Excursions is a peer-reviewed online and print journal, based at the University of Sussex and designed to showcase high quality, innovative postgraduate research that emphasizes and promotes the permeable nature of academic disciplines. The journal is published annually, each year with a different theme that attracts contributions from various academic fields, both at Sussex and beyond. The journal has been run by doctoral students for 10 years, and within that time it has developed a range of interdisciplinary collaborations with academics and practitioners from various universities and institutions.

  • Studies in Social and Political Thought

    Studies in Social and Political Thought is a student run journal based in the University of Sussex's Centre for Social and Political Thought. The journal has a dual purpose: first, fostering developments in the inter-disciplinary areas of social and political thought and, second, serving as a publishing platform for junior academics.

    Past issues have featured articles by well-respected figures such as William Outhwaite and Stefan Muller-Doohm as well as the first publications of a number of promising junior academics. Although student run, we try to ensure highest standards and best quality publishing. We have attracted a prestigious panel of leading scholars in social and political thought for our international advisory board, including: Martin Jay of UC Berkeley, Robert Pippin of the University of Chicago, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak of Columbia University, Seyla Banhabib of Yale University, William Outhwaite of the University of Newcastle, Homi Bhabha of Harvard University, Adriana Cavarero of the University of Verona, Alessandro Ferrara of the University of Rome, Axel Honneth of the University of Frankfurt and Fredric Jameson of Duke University.