Pathologies of Recognition: An Introduction


  • Arto Laitinen University of Tampere
  • Arvi Särkelä University of Frankfurt & University of Lucerne
  • Heikki Ikäheimo UNSW Australia



This paper is an introduction to the special issue on Pathologies of Recognition. The first subsection briefly introduces the notion of recognition and trace its development from Fichte and Hegel to Honneth and his critics, and the second subsection turns to the concept of a social pathology. The third section provides a brief look at the individual papers.

Author Biographies

Arto Laitinen, University of Tampere

Arto Laitinen ( is Professor of Social Philosophy at University of Tampere.

Arvi Särkelä, University of Frankfurt & University of Lucerne

Arvi Särkelä ( is a PhD student in the philosophy department at the University of Frankfurt, and lecturer (wissenschaftlicher Assistent) in the philosophy department of the University of Lucerne.

Heikki Ikäheimo, UNSW Australia

Heikki Ikäheimo ( is Senior Lecturer and Australian Research Fellow at UNSW Australia.


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How to Cite

Laitinen, A., Särkelä, A. and Ikäheimo, H. (2015) “Pathologies of Recognition: An Introduction”, Studies in Social and Political Thought, 250. doi: 10.20919/sspt.25.2015.44.