The One and the Many: Revisioning Adorno’s Critique of Western Reason


  • Deborah Cook University of Windsor



First published in Studies in Social and Political Thought 18, 2010.

Author Biography

Deborah Cook, University of Windsor

Deborah Cook is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Windsor. She has published more than thirty articles on Adorno along with several books including The Culture Industry Revisited (1996), Adorno, Habermas and the Search for a Rational Society (2004), and Adorno on Nature (2011). Currently she is completing The Critical Matrix, a book on Adorno and Foucault.


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How to Cite

Cook, D. (2017) “The One and the Many: Revisioning Adorno’s Critique of Western Reason”, Studies in Social and Political Thought, 260. doi: 10.20919/sspt.26.2016.60.


