Review of Habermas:A Biography by Stefan Müller-Doohm


  • William Outhwaite Newcastle University


Author Biography

William Outhwaite, Newcastle University

William Outhwaite is Emeritus Professor of Sociology at Newcastle University, UK and Honorary Professor at the University of Sussex. His publications include the following: European Society (Cambridge: Polity, 2008), Critical Theory and Contemporary Europe (New York: Continuum, 2012), Social Theory (London: Profile, 2015), Europe since 1989 (London: Routledge, 2016), and Contemporary Europe (London: Routledge, 2017). He recently edited Brexit. Sociological Responses (London: Anthem Press, 2017) and is working with Stefan Müller-Doohm and Luca Corchia on an edited volume on the global reception of Habermas’s work.


Böckler, S. & Weiss, J. (eds.) (1987) Marx oder Weber?, Westdeutscher: Verlag

Funken, M. (ed.) (2008) Über Habermas: Gespräche mit Zeitgenossen, Darmstadt:Primus

Glanert, S. and Fabien G. (eds.) (2017) Law’s Hermeneutics, Abingdon:Routledge

Habermas, J. (1985) ‘A Philosophico-Political Profile’ New Left Review no. 151, pp. 75-105

Jay, M. (1985) Permanent Exiles: Essays on the Intellectual Migration from Germany to America, New York: Columbia University Press

Jung, T. and Müller-Doohm, S. (eds.) (2011) Prekäre Freundschaften. Übergeistige Nähe und Distanz, München: Fink

Müller-Doohm, S. (2016a) Habermas: A Biography, Cambridge: Polity

Müller-Doohm, S. (2016b) ‘Member of a school or exponent of a paradigm? Jürgen Habermas and critical theory’ European Journal of Social Theory (forthcoming but available online from: )

Outhwaite, W. (2015) ‘Zev Barbu: an intellectual memoir’ in Daniela Maci and Michael Finkenthal (eds.) Zevedei Barbu. Psychologist, Sociologist and Philosopher, Bucharest: Tracus Arte, 2015, pp. 158-173

Rapic, S. (ed.) (2014) Habermas und der historische Materialismus, Freiburg: Karl Alber-Verlag




How to Cite

Outhwaite, W. (2017) “Review of Habermas:A Biography by Stefan Müller-Doohm”, Studies in Social and Political Thought, 260. doi: 10.20919/sspt.26.2016.65.


